Earlier this year, Acts of Courage Co-Founder Robert “Dusty” Staub gave the Keynote Address to more than 300 business leaders and others attending the Northern Nevada Business Weekly’s 2018 Book of Lists Launch & Awards Gala.
As the CEO and Lead Consultant of Staub Leadership International, Dusty has spent more than four decades helping liberate the passion and power of people and organizations. In this Keynote Address, Dusty dives deep into what it means to be a transformative, heart centered leader, leaving the audience with practical, actionable insights.
We invite you to watch the Keynote below, but here are just a few of the highlights…
“In the world we live in, shit does happen and we have to deal with it. That’s not what makes you a leader. What makes you a leader, is knowing how to transform “shit” into “shift” and make something meaningful. That’s what great leadership is all about and it requires transformation.”
“Everyone who works with you has the discretion to decide how much heart, commitment, thought, creativity and passion they are willing to put into your organization. Discretionary effort is discretionary and your leadership determines how much your people are willing to give.”
“The problem that keeps leaders from getting more engagement from their people is a failure of courage.”
“Transformation is the realm of love, meaning and significance. It’s about how deeply you’ve lived, how fully you’ve loved, and how completely have you learned to be present in this world. It’s from this place where we make shift happen.”
“The most effective people ask one primary question: Where can I offer the greatest value? If you’re doing a job that someone else could be doing, you’re not doing the thing that is your highest and best use of your time and talents.”
“Do you have the courage to dream of a better way? Do you have the courage to see your organization stepping up the game? Do you have the courage to see the current reality and be honest about what’s working and not working? Do you have the courage to confront and tell truth to power? Do you have the courage to be confronted? Do you have the courage to learn and grow and try new behavior? Do you have the courage to be vulnerable? Do you have the courage to let go of the old ways of thinking and acting that no longer serve you?”
“The source of courage is being connected to something greater than yourself – your big why.”
“When you shut down someone who is willing to confront you, you’re shutting down a conversation that’s been going on behind your back for a while.”
“Yours is a unique, special life. How are you spending it? Are you inviting the best from everyone around you? Are you sending the message to others that they matter and are important?”